Friday 18 May 2012

tepung atta tu ape?

sebab dalam resepi i banyak guna tepung atta, so ramai tanya tepung atta di ape. boleh baca kat bawah ni. mak copy paste jer. dia tepung orang buat capati. banyak jer kat supermarket. cari kat bahagian tepung-tepung. of cos la maghfarah! -____-"  tak kan nak cari bahagian pampers

kat rumah ni, i dah gantikan tepung putih biasa dengan tepung atta dah.pancake ni i buat guna tepung atta. lembut jer  u ollls~

harga mahal sikit lah. tapi tak delah beza sangat. lagi pon bukan hari-hari makan tepung dok?

i ade jugak beli unbleached flour yang organic. tapi tak bukak-bukak lagi. beli yang high protein konon-konon nak buat roti tapi sampai sekarang dok peram dalam gobok ajaib. hari ni hari tepung atta, kita cerita pasal tepung atta dulu.

"Atta" actually means "flour" in most East Indian dialects. Atta flour is not actually a 'type of flour'. Most East Indians, when they refer to atta in a recipe, will use a mixture of whole-wheat and all-purpose flour (most often a two to one ratio). Exclusively whole-wheat flour could be used if it is very finely ground, and in this case, the earlier answer may apply. (The definition given below of 'atta' being the flour made from the grain and the endosperm (without the bran) would be a very fine flour, and could indeed be used to make many East Indian recipes, such as chapattis or rotis. )

But the correct answer here is that 'atta' really means flour, so there is no real 'correct' answer to this question!

A grain of wheat is made up of three main parts. The germ is the bit in the middle, which holds the most nutrients and the endosperm makes up the bulk of the grain with starches and sugars. The husk or bran is the tough skin, like you find on the outside of brown rice. This is very high in dietary fibre.

Brown or wholewheat flour contains all three parts of the grain.

White flour contains only the endosperm which means it retains the carbohydrates loses most of the minerals and vitamins.

Atta flour on the other hand uses the germ and the endosperm. But not the bran. Bran fibre is insoluble, so atta flour is a much lighter more easily digested flour. And good digestion is the key to good health.

Read more:

 pancake pisang


sebiji telur
150 ml fresh milk 
1 cawan tepung atta
1 1/4 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu besarolive oil
1 sudu besar madu
2 biji pisang dilenyek

blend telur sampai kembang, masukkan minyak, blend lagi, masukkan susu, tepung. blend lagi.
tuang adunan dalam bekas lain, masukkan madu dan pisang, kacau sebati. rehatkan adunan selama 30-sejam untuk memastikan kegebuan.

sapu minyak atas non stick pan guna tisu jer. pastu tuang adunan sesenduk..tunggu berbuih2 sehingga buih masak baru balikkan. api perlahan jer guna.

 tetap gebu macam guna tepung putih biasa.


  1. hihi...thanks farah!
    sy pun baru beli last month tepung atta (sbb tgk resepi farah byk guna tepung atta!hik3..:p) actually, sebelum ni mmg xperasan pun kewujudan tepung ni boleh buat masak2.

  2. tukar pulok blog templates dio..hehehe

    kak ila dapat tahu pasal tepung atta ni bila tgk rancangan 5 rempah 5 rasa, chef tu buat chapati

  3. Salam umi maryam,

    akak pun dh bertukar ke tepung atta! dulu x amik port pong. Pg td buat pancake blueberry, mmg cun jer fizikalnyer, cantik jadi pancake tuh.

  4. cantik je tgok pancake maryam neh
    nak cari tepung attar jugok lah..huhu!
    i pegnen kali neh langsung x rase ape...mcm org x pegnen jah

  5. tepong ata ni adalah tepong gandom tanpa pemutih dan di campor dengan 4 gram baking soda (bukan baking powder) setiap 1 kilo = jimat dan murah tepong cap bunya cempaka 1 kilo + 4 gram soda .. tu je ... atta tu orang India panggil teponglah ...
    macam "boleh try" juga lah ...
