Wednesday 7 April 2010

perutusan herbalife

Dear Valued Herbalife Distributors,

Kindly be informed that the April 2010 price increase will be effective from Tuesday, 20th April 2010. On an average, we will be increasing our prices by 3% on Inner Nutrition products and Outer Nutrition products.

mahu memborong barang herbalife harini sebelum harga naik. jadi kepada customer-customer sekalian. jika ingin membeli herbalife dengan harga yang lama sila mebuat pesanan sebelum tengahari hari ni. call/msg yer.

pesanan tambahan: jangan risau. harga naik pon masih dapat harga special. jangan segan silu bertanya.


  1. cikpuan...jgn lupa 1 set for me..cappu..ummm...kalo amek 3 set aritu bape dh ek u ckp hrga die? ade lg tak offer tu? =)

  2. wah dah naik? suka tea mix HL nih..rsnye sedap

  3. has: tu lah..farah xshake pon tea mix xtinggal

  4. ira: ade2..nati i oyat.sori baru baco komen..bilo mung balik kl?
